Today I removed the trans-axle, the rear swing-arms, the front axle tube and all the brake lines. I was able to then lift the chassis up onto it's side by myself. That's when I discovered the front frame head is heavily rusted. I was very disappointed to find this as it is no minor repair. The "napoleon's hat" section will have to be replaced as well. I have begun to research on the web the best way to do this. If it is not done correctly the alignment will be off and the structural integrity will be gone. In other words, it won't be safe! A friend of mine from work made me a 17mm tool from 3/4" hex stock that I was able to use to remove the rear swing-arm. I will also need to remove the rear torsion bars & arms at some point, a dangerous procedure that I did not feel like doing today. I will need to order a new frame head like this one.