Alright, it's been almost a month since I updated my progress. I have since welded the new frame head on, and the new napoleon's hat. Both turned out very well. The measurements I took of the original frame head all fell within 1/16" of how it ended up, which aint bad. However, at Easter, I was visiting with my in-laws when a conversation with my wife's uncle led me to find out he had a chassis that someone had given him as payment for work he did on their beetle last year. The chassis had disc brakes he said. How much I asked... $100 he said. I said I'll take it, sight unseen. The disc brakes were worth it to me alone. And I could always use an extra chassis, I doubt this will be my only beetle project ever! When I went to pick up the chassis that same day I was amazed at what I saw- the chassis was in great shape! Come to find out it was from a '73 beetle and the disc brakes were from a '67-'72 Ghia. So, I decided since my chassis is so rusted, pitted, awful... that I'm going to use the beautiful chassis I picked up instead. I'll use my original chassis to build a street legal buggy someday I think. I replaced all of the suspension on the old chassis so I could roll it around, and I put the body back on it so I can roll it around too! And what do you know- when I put the body back on, everything lined up perfectly with what I had welded on!!! I started to strip the 5 layers of paint off the new chassis today. Three hours to do 1/4 of the chassis. Sigh...